April 30, 2015

E-Banking, first login and general operation

      Technology and internet are the necessities of today's world. And the same applies to customers of financial institutions. Internet facilitates general inquiry of yours account through a service termed internet banking which is facilitated by RASTRIYA BANIJYA BANK. This blog tries to facilitate internet banking users for first login and general operations. Here is a general procedure for operation of service.

1. Enter www.rbb.com.np in address bar in a browser
2. Click in E- Banking link
3. Select branch(1), enter customer code received in mail (2)
Enter I Password received in mail (3) and submit, it will lead you to forced password change box, change your password on your own(there are two boxes for new password, put it second time for confirmation and submit), but consider following guidelines
-Should not be same as the customer code.
-Should be minimum 6 character long.
-Should be alphanumeric and combination of : Alphabet (a-z, A-Z) Number (0-9)
-Special characters.(~!@#$%^&*()_-=+}{][:;"<>?,./) 

 4. It will ask for II password, enter as received in mail, it will ask for force change, enter on your wish but follow the password guidelines (I password and II password cannot be the same)

5. (from second time onward, step 3 login will directly lead to step 5) it will lead to your account detail, click options as for requirements, eg. for Account Statement  click account statement and enter English Date(Nepali Date feature is not available)

6. It gives you access to account statement

7. Always logout after use      
     (Financial transaction feature is not enabled currently, for more contact nearest branch. E-Banking form can be downloaded directly clicking the link.)

1 comment:

Karan Singh said...

good information! thanks for sharing!!
finance write for us